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Computer Training for people with disabilities

Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing now available, read on.

SICIL welcomes consumers to our state-of-the-art Assistive Technology Center. We offer a course in Basic Computing Skills for those who wish to keep abreast of modern technology. Our mission is to provide the information, resources and skills to people with disabilities to assist them in both their personal and professional lives in a technology driven society. Lite typing skills and some knowledge of the keyboard are the only prerequisites.

Assistive Technology Available

Assistive technology such as screen magnification programs, screen reading software and mouse alternatives are available and will be utilized during this course as deemed necessary. JAWS For Windows, MAGic, ZoomText and Kurzweil 1000 are available for consumers with severe visual impairments. Hotkeys will be taught and utilized throughout this course.

We now offer services for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired. with ‘Interpretype’ technology.

Course Outline

1. Basic computer orientation: components, hardware and their functions.

  • Explain the tower, monitor, mouse, keyboard, chips, drives, disks and memory. Demonstrate proper method of turning the computer on and off (booting up and shutting down).
  • Explain the Windows XP environment: Desktop; icons; taskbar; Start menu; Help menu, etc.

2. Windows Explorer Primer

  • Ways of opening explorer.
  • Explanation of Tree View.
  • The left and right panes.
  • Folders and files: create a NEW Folder and name it.

3. Demonstrate the general functions of word processing:

  • Understand several methods for performing a function (i.e. mouse vs hot keys).
  • Open a New Word document.
  • Recognize the different components and functions of the MS Word application (file menus, toolbars, scroll bars, etc).
  • Type, edit, and format text.
  • Cut, copy and paste text.
  • Identify the different views and their purposes.
  • Print the document.
  • Save document into your New Folder and close.
  • About the Internet Explorer browser: Layout, toolbars, navigation, etc.
  • Learn to browse the web quickly and easily: Links, address bar, Favorites, etc.
  • About Search Engines and finding the information you want.
  • Filling out online forms and security issues.
  • Downloading applications and saving them to folders.
  • Introduction to Outlook Express.
  • Set up a personal Hotmail account.
  • Creating and sending messages.
  • Receiving and organizingmessages.
  • Working with the Address Book.
  • Setting up a newsgroup account.